fping Option
Lists targets that responded
Lists targets by address instead of hostname
-b <num>
Sends <num> bytes of data per ICMP packet (default 56)
-B <f>
Tells fping to wait <f> times longer for a reply after each successive failed request (default 1.5)
-c <num>
Number of Pings to send to each target (default 1)
-C <num>
Same as above but prints additional statistics for each host
Displays elapsed time on return packets
-f <file>
Reads the target list from <file> (use “-” for standard input)
Tells fping to generate a target list by specifying the start and end address (ex. ./fping -g or an IP/subnet mask (ex. ./fping -g
-i <num>
Interval (in milliseconds) to wait between Pings (default 25)
Sends Pings forever
Pings multiple interfaces on target host
Displays targets by name (-d is equivalent)
-p <num>
Interval (in milliseconds) between Pings to an individual target (in looping and counting modes, default 1000)
Doesn’t show per-target/per-Ping results
-Q <num>
Same as -q, but show summary every <num> seconds
-r <num>
When a host doesn’t respond, retries the host <num> times (default 3)
Displays summary statistics
-t <num>
Timeout (in milliseconds) for individual targets (default 500)
Displays targets that are unreachable
Displays version number
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