环境: CPU:Intel Xeon L5420 2.5Ghz RAM:6G DDR2 800 Server:IIS8.0 + FastCGI 使用 php 5.2.17 + eaccelerator php 5.3.24 + eaccelerator php 5.4.14 + eaccelerator 1.0 dev eaccelerator 只支持php 5.2.x版本,支持数据缓存 eaccelerator 只支持php 5.3.x版本,只对PHP做 ...
[共享]eAccelerator for php 5.3.24 vc9 nts(非线程安全)/ts(线程安全)
此版本的php主要解决以下问题: 11-April-2013 Core: Fixed bug #64370 (microtime(true) less than $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT’]). Fixed bug #63914 (zend_do_fcall_common_helper_SPEC does not handle exceptions properly). Fixed bug #62343 (Show class_alias In get_declared_classes()). P ...
[共享]eAccelerator 1.0 dev for php 5.4.14 vc9 nts(非线程安全)/ts(线程安全)
此版本的php主要解决以下问题: 11-April-2013 Core: Fixed bug #64529 (Ran out of opcode space). Fixed bug #64515 (Memoryleak when using the same variablename two times in function declaration). Fixed bug #64432 (more empty delimiter warning in strX methods). Fixed bug #64417 (ArrayAccess::&o ...
依照网易的yeah邮箱和手机版的网易邮箱照葫芦画瓢做了一个,使用如下这段js来通过浏览器User-Agent判断用户的类型并跳转到相应的版本页面去,实现了移动端和普通PC都能顺利认证。 <script type=”text/javascript”> //判断浏览器User-Agent function is_mobile() { var regex_match = /(nokia|iphone ...
[共享]eAccelerator 1.0 dev for php 5.4.12 vc9 nts(非线程安全)/ts(线程安全)
此版本的php主要解决以下问题: 21-February-2013 Core: Fixed bug #64099 (Wrong TSRM usage in zend_register_class alias). Fixed bug #64011 (get_html_translation_table() output incomplete with HTML_ENTITIES and ISO-8859-1). Fixed bug #63982 (isset() inconsistently produces a fatal error on protect ...
[共享]eAccelerator for php 5.3.22 vc9 nts(非线程安全)/ts(线程安全)
此版本的php主要解决以下问题: 21-February-2013 Zend Engine: Fixed bug #64099 (Wrong TSRM usage in zend_Register_class alias). Fixed bug #63899 (Use after scope error in zend_compile). Core: Fixed bug #63943 (Bad warning text from strpos() on empty needle). Date: Fixed bug #55397 (com ...