正好编译了一下适合php 5.4.6 vc9 nts(非线程安全)/ts(线程安全)两个版本的eAccelerator组件。
- CLI Server
- Implemented FR #62700 (have the console output ‘Listening on http://localhost:8000’).
- Core
- Fixed bug #62661 (Interactive php-cli crashes if include() is used in auto_prepend_file).
- Fixed bug #62653: (unset($array[$float]) causes a crash).
- Fixed bug #62565 (Crashes due non-initialized internal properties_table).
- Fixed bug #60194 (–with-zend-multibyte and –enable-debug reports LEAK with run-test.php).
- Fixed bug #62499 (curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, “”) returns false).
- DateTime
- Fixed bug #62500 (Segfault in DateInterval class when extended).
- Fileinfo
- Fixed bug #61964 (finfo_open with directory causes invalid free).
- Intl
- Fixed bug #62564 (Extending MessageFormatter and adding property causes crash).
- MySQLnd
- Fixed bug #62594 (segfault in mysqlnd_res_meta::set_mode).
- readline
- Fixed bug #62612 (readline extension compilation fails with sapi/cli/cli.h: No such file).
- Reflection
- Implemented FR #61602 (Allow access to name of constant used as default value).
- SimpleXML
- Implemented FR #55218 (Get namespaces from current node).
- Streams
- Fixed bug #62597 (segfault in php_stream_wrapper_log_error with ZTS build).
- Zlib
- Fixed bug #55544 (ob_gzhandler always conflicts with zlib.output_compression).
eAccelerator是一个自由开放源码php加速器,优化和动态内容缓存,提高了php脚本的缓存性能,使得PHP脚本在编译的状态下,对服务器的开销几乎完全消除。 它还有对脚本起优化作用,以加快其执行效率。使您的PHP程序代码执效率能提高1-10倍。
Non Thread Safe是指非线程安全,Thread Safe则是指线程安全。
如果是使用ISAPI的方式来运行PHP就必须用Thread Safe(线程安全)的版本;而用FastCGI模式运行PHP的话就没有必要用线程安全检查了,用None Thread Safe(NTS,非线程安全)的版本能够更好的提高效率。
x86 Thread Safe
x86 Non Thread Safe:
[分享]eAccelerator for php 5.4.6 vc9 nts(非线程安全)/ts(线程安全):等您坐沙发呢!